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1. Baby Signs, by Linda Acredolo, Ph.D and Susan Goodwyn, Ph.D., published in 2002; also available is the third edition, published in 2009.  Groundbreaking work on how babies learn to communicate; easy to understand.

2. A Parent's Guide to the Baby Signs Program, by Dr. Linda Acredolo and Dr. Susan Goodwyn, published in 2006.  With this book, it's easy to learn how to help little ones learn to communicate with signs.

3. Signing Smart With Babies and Toddlers, by Michelle E. Anthony, M.A., Ph.D. and Reyna Lindert, Ph.D., published in 2005.  Various techniques of how to introduce signing to babies.

4. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Baby Sign Language, by Diane Ryan, published in 2006.  Pictures of how to make signs so little ones can learn them.

5. Learn to Sign the Fun Way!, by Penny Warner, published in 2001.  Clear pictures of how to sign lots of words!


1. Baby Minds, by Linda Acredolo, Ph.D., and Susan Goodwyn, Ph.D., published in 2000.  Filled with brain-building games babies enjoy.

2. Baby Hearts, by Linda Acredolo, Ph.D., and Susan Goodwyn, Ph.D., published in 2005. This is a guide to giving your child an emotional head start.

3. Baby Tactics, by Barbara Albers Hill, published in 1991.  Even though this book was written 18 years ago, it contains practical information for parents of finicky, fussy and restless infants and toddlers.

4. Reading Together Parents' Handbook by Sue Ellis and Myra Barrs, published in 1998.  Tips on various ways to read to your children.

5. Helping Your Child Become a Reader, by Andrea DeBruin-Parecki, Kathryn Perkinson and Lance Ferderer, Fran Lehr and Jean Osborn, published in 2005 by the No Child Left Behind program.This pamphlet is filled with web resources for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and for parents; it also lists web sites for advocacy organizations, and organizations that deal with literacy and reading.

6. The Diaper Bag Book for Babies, by Robin Dodson and Jan Mades, published in 2004.Variety of ideas to keep babies amused, while out and about. Filled with active play ideas, what to do at nap time, quiet play activities and more.

7. The Diaper Bag Book for Toddlers, by Robin Dodson and Jan Mades, published in 2004.  Filled with active games, car games, how to make the most of daily routines and simple art projects.

8. What to Expect: the Toddler Years, by Arlene Eisenberg, Heidi E. Murkoff and Sandee E. Hathaway, B.S.N., published in 1996.  Filled with answers to daily life with children in their second and third years of life. Covers such topics as first aid, temper tantrums, feeding and sleeping problems and caring for children with special needs.

9. On Becoming Baby Wise, by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam, M.D., published in 1998.  This book presents ideas on how to help your child sleep through the night.

10. How Babies Talk, by Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph.D. and Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Ph.D., published in 1999.  This book explores how babies learn language and how parents and caregivers can help nurture linguistic skills.

11. The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems, by Tracy Hogg and Melinda Blau, published in 2005. Gives parents and caregivers ideas about how to manage sleeping, feeding and behavior in infants and toddlers.

12. Baby Gear, edited by Sally Lee of Parents Magazine, published in 2001. Lists useful items for babies and toddlers, such as things needed to transport children, feed them, clothe and entertain them.

13. The Parents Answer Book, edited by Sally Lee, published in 2000.  Covers issues such as physical, emotional and cognitive development, from birth through age 5.

14. Positive Discipline for Preschoolers, by Jane Nelson, Ed.D., Cheryl Erwin, M.A. and Roslyn Duffy, published in 1998.    Raising children who are responsible, respectful and resourceful.

15. Toy Portfolio, Baby and Toddler Play Book, by Joanne and Stephanie Oppenheim, published in 1999.  Covers games from Pat-a Cake to playing with teddy bears. Lots of fun ideas about playing with babies and toddlers.

16. 1-2-3 Magic by Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D. published in 2003.  Effective discipline for children from 2 – 12 years.

17. The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Parenting, by Joshua Piven, David Borgenicht and Sarah Jordan, published in 2003.  Gives tips on things such as how to make an emergency bottle, get rid of monsters in the closet and how to survive a family car trip.

18. Brain Games for Toddlers and Twos, by Jackie Silberg, published in 2000.  Simple games to promote early brain development.

19. Calming Your Fussy Baby the Brazelton Way, by Joshua D. Sparrow, M.D. and T. Brazelton, M.D. published in 2003.  Gives step by step advice on how to interpret each cry and respond in the most appropriate and effective way.

20. You and Your Toddler, by Dr. Miriam Stoppard, published in 1999.  An illustrated guide to every aspect of caring for a toddler, from everyday needs to encouraging your child's development.

21. Time Out for Toddlers, by Dr. James W. Varni and Donna G. Corwin, published in 1991.  A simple 5-step program with positive solutions to typical problems in children.

22. Coping with a Picky Eater, by William G. Wilkoff, M.D. published in 1998.  Author discusses the value in establishing reasonable rules when children are young, how such rules can eliminate daily food fights and reduce the possibility of eating disorders later in life.


1. Brilliant Beginnings: the best toys for your baby's age and stage. Toddler brain basics: 12 – 24 months, published in 1999.  Excellent resource for parents and caregivers; helps grown ups to understand why specific toys can help at specific ages and stages in development.

2. Brilliant Beginnings: Toddler Guidebook, 12-24 months, published in 1999.  Excellent information on brain development, language skills, social and emotional development and much more.

3. Brilliant Beginnings: Toddler Activities Toy guide for 24 – 36 months, published in 2000.  Filled with ideas for why certain toys are useful to children in this age group.

4. Brilliant Beginnings: Toddler Guidebook, Next Steps, 24-36 months, published in 2000.  This exciting book covers language skills, emotions, steps to literacy, building blocks to math, music and toddlers and gives many useful web resources.


1. The Kid-Friendly Food Allergy Cookbook, by Leslie Hammond and Lynn Marie Rominger, published in 2004.  More than 150 recipes that are wheat free, gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, egg-free and low-in-sugar.

2. Dairy Free Cookbook, by Jane Zukin, published in 1998.  Over 250 recipes for people with lactose intolerance for milk allergy.


1. Pretend Soup, by Mollie Katzen and Ann Henderson, published in 1994.  Wonderful book for toddlers to really "make" recipes. Easy to understand directions.

2. Kids in the Kitchen, by Betsy Walkup, M.A. E.D. &M.S., published in 2006.  Fun recipes for the very young!


1. Find It! magazine source book for parents. Has web address for every product. Published in 2007